Clerk Details
Mr M Clark, Parish Clerk
66 Chestnut Court
Toft Hill
Bishop Auckland
County Durham
DL14 0TQ
T: 01388 835712
More Information
Website: Gainford and Langton Parish Council website
Electorate: 1,046
Precept: £36,644 (24/25), £36,8488 (23/24), £37,121 (22/23), £37,062 (21/22), £37,365 (20/21)
Council Tax Base: 499 (23/24), 497 (24/25), 500 (22/23), 503 (21/22), 507 (20/21)
Services Provided: 40 Allotments, park, play area, bus shelter, grass cuttings, grants, environment and open spaces.